Special thanks for Do More Good Coffee & Craft, Copper Fire, and Nothing Bundt Cakes for being our vendors at The FeBREWary 5K, and for donating a portion of / ALL of the profits to ...
It’s a beautiful day for a FEBREWARY 5K! Come join Belleville CEO at the Clinton Hills Conservation Park. Race begins at 10AM. Registration begins at 9.
Just one week away, folks! Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/belleville-ceo-fe-brew-ary-5k-tickets-1096425110019?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios
Recently, Belleville CEO students made recruitment presentations in junior classes at Belleville East and Belleville West, spreading the word about the amazing CEO program, and they ...
No better time to secure a table with family or friends for our trivia event coming up! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1095298660779?aff=oddtdtcreator
It’s chill to sign up for the Febrewary 5k. 😌 Here is the link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/belleville-ceo-fe-brew-ary-5k-tickets-1096425110019?aff=oddtdtcreator
Noah Mesiti is just one of many creative and thoughtful young entrepreneurs on the Belleville CEO team this year. He used his time, skills, and talents to thank Renae Eichholz ...