Kalishya King

About Me

My name is Kalishya and I go to the East. I don’t have many hobbies, I just like to buy stuff. I just draw, paint, watch tv shows, and do other things. I signed up for CEO because it seemed like a great opportunity to learn the basics of a business. I also wanted to learn how to be an entrepreneur and learn the daily life of a business person. Senior year is the time you take classes to see what you want to take in college so that is another reason why I signed up. Business careers were on the top of my list. My future goals are to go to college and after that live in a luxury apartment. I just want money, so I got different ways to get the bag.






DISC Characteristics

  • You like to think things through before acting.
  • You are logical and rational.
  • If insufficient structure and order exist, you will create it.
  • You like a work environment that is precise, structured and orderly.