I am a senior at Althoff Catholic High School. I am on the varsity volleyball team and yearbook ... Learn More

Tom Watson
About Me
I am a senior at Althoff Catholic High School. I am on the varsity volleyball team and yearbook committee for Althoff. What led to my interest in the Belleville CEO program was the amount of learning experience and opportunity from local business owners. During high school I played two years of club volleyball and going to be four years of varsity volleyball. I’m active in my parish community at St. Teresa. I’ve worked at the St. Clair Country Club as a back waiter and worked banquets. I would like to think that I’m a calm and hard working person who tries to get everyone’s opinion on the task at hand and for ideas. Some of my hobbies are playing volleyball and helping with family projects. After high school, I’m hoping to get into either Mizzou or Missouri State for a degree in engineering or computer science.

Tom Watson's DISC Profile
You are usually very supportive of decisions made by others on the team.
You present yourself in a poised manner to both small or large groups of people.
You are consistent and predictable over the long haul, even in the midst of change.
You like to work in an environment that is very precise and more structured.