Hello, I am a senior of Althoff Catholic High School. I found out about the CEO class from ... Learn More
Isaiah Bernal
About Me
Hello, I am a senior of Althoff Catholic High School. I found out about the CEO class from the previous CEO class. I applied for the program with the hope to learn a lot about the business world and to learn many skills that will help me throughout life. I will be captain of the wrestling team. This takes up most of my time since I wrestle year-round with club teams and for Althoff. I am a very outgoing, talkative, and driven person. Once I set my mind to something, I work my hardest to accomplish it to the best of my ability, When I graduate high school, I plan on attending Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) and to enroll in the ROTC program.
Isaiah Bernal's DISC Profile
I am always interested in new approaches and new ways of doing things.
I really like meeting new people and easily interact. No one is a stranger.
I am very predictable, in a good way. I am always there, ready to pitch in, and complete the assignment.
I am open to creating and trying new ideas and procedures whether they're needed or not.