I am currently a senior at Althoff Catholic High School. Ever since I was young, I dreamed of ... Learn More

Kaleb Leatherman
About Me
I am currently a senior at Althoff Catholic High School. Ever since I was young, I dreamed of owning my own business and getting my name out in the open. I hoped to get closer to this dream, by taking the CEO class and learning how to efficiently work in business. I am a proud member of the National Honor Society and participant of the Youth Salute program. I am very active in my church, as a Junior Deacon and head of the Junior Media Ministry. I volunteer in my church’s community fair and back to school bash. When it comes to volunteering, I have much experience. Each year, I participate in the Spring Cleanup at my school as well as participate in soup bus, an activity that feeds those in need. I have been a part of my school’s bowling team since my freshman year, and in my junior year, was able to make it on the varsity team. Prior to this, I was named the captain of the junior varsity team, where I had the responsibility of leading my teammates. For around six months, I have worked as a back waiter for the St. Clair Country Club. This job experience has led me to being able to meet the leaders and families of local businesses, and instill a sense of familiarity. Like an excellent student should be, I am focused, punctual, and always ready to learn and improve. My plans for the future include successfully getting admitted into college, and then graduating with a degree in either/both business management and marketing. My ultimate goal is to start and run a successful business that would not only make me very profitable, but well known. I want to lead a life that will make me be remembered.